It's quite good, but...
well, lemme see if i can give you some critiques. :D
Beginning: Great job with that sound. Gave it a really nice touch. Really well done beginning. The transition, not so much. XD To me, it sounded like the kick bass was off key to the background piano. Which brings me to...
Break: I did like the piano with the chorus "ahh"s in the background. I think it couldve used a little percussion in that part before the melody came in, but when when it did, well done. Very professional sounding.
Melody: I liked this. The only real objection I have is that the melody always fell right on the beat, except for the occasional stutter. It's always good to mix it up a bit. :D The transition out of the melody was amazing.
End: Great job again with the noise. :D the only realy thing I can ask is not to make the key change from the melody to the end the first thing the listener hears. It kinda throws you off.
All in all, good song. You're on my fav list. Lemme know when you have another song out, and I'll be glad to hear it. :D